The Power of Music

Day 8 of 30-Day Writing Challenge

Photo by Ozgu Ozden on Unsplash

I got to the restaurant a little early. 

I had never been there, and I wanted to make sure I would have enough time to find a parking space and to walk there.   

The person I was meeting with texted me she was running a little late, so I had a slack of time.  As anyone would do lately, I took out my cellphone and was going to read one of the news, so I thought.

The restaurant was almost empty, with only two other parties.  The volume of the music was just about right, not to bother my reading.   The melody sounded familiar.  I went back to reading. 

The next song was another familiar melody, an old song.  I kept on reading.  The next song…

Wait! They are all hit songs between the summer of 1978 and 1979.

I know 100% sure, because that was my senior year in high school! The only year I spent in a small town called Grove City, PA, as an exchange student from Japan. 

I used to dance to the music.  With whom? With this classmate and that classmate.  Where? In the school auditorium and at the cafeteria What was I wearing? Oh, that check flannel shirt the white overalls!  Yes, that Dairy Queen store! Mr. Naples! Miss Stuck! Oh my!  My mind was filled with everything Grove City.

Through the window I saw the person I was meeting approaching hurried at the entrance door.  I turned to the waiter and asked her, “Which radio station are you playing?”  She said, “I don’t know if it’s a radio station.  I know the owner choses the music.” 

I didn’t confirm it, but I bet the owner is the same age as me. 

The power of music.