If I could Run way, Where would I go?

Day 15 of 30-Day Writing Challenge

Photo by Meritt Thomas on Unsplash

I came across a documentary on YouTube, of an old man living totally alone, totally naked, in a remote island near Okinawa, for over 20 years.  The documentary was aired about 10 years ago.  At that time the old man was about 80 years old.

“Is he serious?“ was my first reaction.

How does he find food?  Does he have a house?  How does he protect from all the insects and other yukky looking creatures?  What kind of tools does he use? 

Doesn’t he get bored? Lonely? Doesn’t he miss another human?  Does he have Internet? 

How does he know if the typhoon is coming or not?  If such a huge typhoon comes, how does he protect himself from the strong wind? Doesn’t he mind getting wet in the storm?  Doesn’t he have any danger of becoming a prey of any animal? 

What happens if he can’t hunt so many days?  Or does he hunt?  Or does he only eat plant -based food?  How does he cook?  Does he have any form of fire?   Does he know how to start a fire? 

How can he live without toilet paper?  How does he maintain sanity?  What about drinking water?  Does he have a filtering system so that he doesn’t get sick? 

How does he keep track of time?  Does he keep regular routine every day?  Or does he sleep all day long because there is nothing particular to do?  How much time does he spend catching food?

After living alone so long,  does he lose any language capability?  Can he write?  How important is writing in his life?  What does he write? 

Is it true that he has nothing to read?  How can he not get bored?

If there is any island that has similar climate and situation, I would like to spend at least 24 hours living like him.  Not more than that.  Only after spending for 24 hours, I will decide if I can go on living like him or not.