Goodbye 2022, Hello 2023!

My resolutions for 2023

Photo by Author Akemi Sagawa

In response to Alexander Semenyuk’s nomination, here are resolutions for 2023.

Start a day by planning how to be.

My daily planner has a column to write how to be on that day. 

  • How should I feel when I wake up? – Happy
  • What emotion should I fill my heart in the morning? – Joyful
  • How should I experience the afternoon time? – With kindness in heart
  • What should my state of mind be in the evening? – Calm

Write what matters to me and to the world, every day.

Remind myself that I will die someday and I’m getting closer to my death each moment.

Life is precious.

The image above replicates my Nengajo, a Japanese New Year greeting postcard,  as Diane Neil Tincher wrote in her article.

 I wish all of you a happy and joyous year!